ACC discontinuing WSMP
From April 1st 2017, WSMP and Workplace Safety Discount (WSD) products will no longer be offered. The new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and changes to the ACC Scheme’s legislation have changed the health and safety landscape . ACC has decided the WSMP doesn’t align with current legislation and is not fit-for-purpose.
ACC are developing a new approach to how they can help New Zealand businesses create healthy and safe workplaces and reward them through their levies. For the past 16 years, ACC has run a Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP) discount programme which rewarded businesses who meet audit standards with reduced ACC levies. Over this time it has been established that just passing an audit does not necessarily lead to reduced workplace injuries.
With the discontinuation of these products, it now leaves employers fewer options to save on levies.
If you would like to know how these changes to levies effect your business, please contact us.