Employee Satisfaction Survey Results 2020
Wellnz continues to play an active role in seeking employee feedback on the service we provide. With our latest satisfaction survey results, we’ve continued to be pleased with the direction we’re heading – continuous improvement is crucial to adapt and learn where we are able to.
Our employee satisfaction research continues to be led independently by Martelletti Consulting, and with this latest survey they have provided an overview of our results compared to ACC’s own results, and the results ACC gathers on third party administrators as a collective.
This document outlines the strength of our results as compared to the numbers ACC gather. The results confirm that we are leading the market in terms of positive feedback and overall satisfaction which we are very proud of. Wellnz will continue to use these surveys to actively enhance our service and communication with our clients and their injured people.
If you have any questions about the results, please get in touch with us at enquiries@wellnz.co.nz